I am running for Pima County Sheriff because I am concerned about the general decline of law enforcement in our country.  I retired from the Pima County Sheriff’s Department on June 30, 2022 at the rank of Lieutenant after 31 years of exemplary service.  I want to put this experience to work for the people of Pima County as your Sheriff.

For deputies and police officers to do their jobs properly and proactively, they need to know they are supported at the top.  Supporting your people is not about politics, it’s about upholding constitutional and state laws that keep all Pima County residents safe.

We need to get back to stopping crime before it occurs – not just responding afterwards.

My Platform

Common Sense Immigration Enforcement

Border and Immigration issues are cartel organized crime issues and cannot be overlooked by the sheriff.  Law enforcement along our southern border is complex and requires a nuanced and cooperative approach that makes public safety for Pima County residents and those vulnerable to exploitation the priority.  

Pima County deputies do possess statuary power to enforce immigration law (under certain circumstances).  Under my leadership, the department will work with adjacent county law enforcement agencies and border patrol to enforce common sense  illegal immigration laws.  We will utilize Arizona statutes (state laws) to arrest people here illegally who are committing serious crimes.  It is important  to remember that contacts with people in enforcement missions are also welfare checks.

Revitalize the Animal Cruelty Taskforce

Often overlooked and underserved, the welfare of domesticated animals and livestock in Pima County stands as a pillar of my platform.  In past administrations, the Pima County Sheriff Department’s response to this important issue has been spotty at best.  In contrast, I am committed to reinstating a robust animal cruelty taskforce to partner with other local, state and federal law enforcement agencies (as well as veterinarians and other community organizations) to take care of vulnerable animals and address adjacent quality of life crimes associated with animal cruelty such as narcotics, human trafficking and racketeering to name a few.

Institute a Fulltime, Dedicated Rural Patrol Program

Pima County is equal parts urban and rural.  As such, its law enforcement challenges are unique and diverse because of its distinctive topography, proximity to the border and varied population distribution.  It is only natural to see the need  for well organized, specially trained and strongly supported law enforcement initiative dedicated to fight crime in the sparsely populated area of Pima County where serious yet, heretofore, undetected criminal activity (such as drug smuggling, human trafficking and animal fighting) does occur.  I plan to start a rural patrol program which will enhance our law enforcement presence and control in the outlying areas of Pima County.  And, in the spirit of regionalization, this program will work in partnership with federal, state and local agencies to get ahead of these serious crimes in the outlying areas of Pima County.

Establish A Reserve Deputy Program

Previous administrations have consistently overlooked a vital and abundant source of manpower in the form of retiring (or retired) deputies.  Having benefitted from years of precious experience, these valued employees already possess the legally mandated training and certifications required to full authority law enforcement officers.  My reserve program will provide these proven, well-seasoned and loyal employees with a positive incentive to continue their law enforcement careers (in a limited capacity) while at the same time helping the department and the community.  This additional source of manpower will be invaluable in maintaining safe staffing levels as well as assisting with critical field operations, including a greater law enforcement presence  in our schools to enhance public safety.

Establish Senior Fraud Rapid Response Task Force

I pledge to prioritize the protection of our senior citizens against the scourge of financial fraud and exploitation. It is time to take proactive measures. That’s why I’m committed to establishing a Senior Fraud Rapid Response Task Force within the Pima County Sheriff’s Department.

Under my leadership, the PCSD will implement specialized training programs for our 911 call takers and dispatchers to recognize and assist at-risk senior citizens with physical or cognitive difficulties. We will develop a comprehensive protocol for rapid response to swiftly address predatory financial crimes targeting seniors. This proactive approach will ensure that our seniors receive the timely support and protection they deserve in the face of exploitation and fraud.


Worthy Of Your Continued Support

Be it known that I have known Bill for many years due to my responsibilities on the PCSD Sheriff’s Tactical team I was a member and Team leader for 34 years, Bill and I both served in the Marine Corps in different areas and assignments during the Vietnam conflict.

I know him to be a man who is knowledgeable,thoughtful,caring,and capable of decisive thinking. He completely understands what is needed to be Sheriff but most
importantly what has been lacking for so many previous years!

I believe he is worthy of your continued support! Thank you,

Det. M. W. Duffey (Ret)

I Wholeheartedly Endorse Bill Phillips for Pima County Sheriff

As a practicing small animal veterinarian in Tucson since 1996, I have known Bill Phillips for over 20 years. I first met him when we served together on the Animal Cruelty Task Force of southern Arizona when it was formed in 1998. Bill was a sergeant with the Pima County Sheriff’s Department and I was involved with the leadership of the Arizona Veterinary Medical Association. This task force was one of the first of its kind and has become a model nationwide to coordinate and enhance animal cruelty laws and investigations, as well as to educate law enforcement, veterinarians and the public about the link between animal cruelty and human violence, especially domestic violence and child abuse. Bill and I became friends over a shared passion for helping animals and martial arts; I’m a Krav Maga instructor and Bill is a judo practitioner and a grappler. I also have a great deal of respect for Bill’s service with the United States Marine Corps as my father is a retired Marine captain who served in Vietnam; and I was born in Camp LeJeune, North Carolina. Bill is all about service to his community, and protecting its most vulnerable members—children and animals. I can think of no better person to serve the citizens of Pima County as their Sheriff. I wholeheartedly endorse Bill Phillips for Pima County Sheriff.
Michael Lent DVM
Arizona delegate, American Veterinary Medical Association
Past president, Arizona Veterinary Medical Association
Past board member, Arizona State Veterinary Medical Examining Board

Michael Lent DVM

Bill Epitomizes The Core Mantras Of Policing

After 20+ years in law enforcement as a Federal agent, my undercover career collapsed under a perfect storm culmination of death and violence threats from multiple suspects.  In 2008, those threats became real when my home was burned to the ground by arsonists.  My first call was to Bill Phillips.  I was in desperate need of help from a true lawman who understood the brother- and sisterhood of policing, not a politician.  Bill reacted instantly with a cops-cop mentality and put an investigative response in action.  He brought comfort and support to me and my family at a treacherous time in our lives.  Bill epitomizes the core mantras of policing: to help and protect others, placing service before self, and, the principle of servant leadership.  I am proud to call Bill my friend and am enthusiastic to see him elected as our Sheriff of Pima County.

Jay Dobyns, Special Agent ATF - Retired

Bill Phillips: The Type of Sheriff Every Community Needs

My name is Roland Youngling, I am a retired Sergeant with the Pima County Sheriff’s Department. I retired from the Sheriffs’ Department in June of 2003. I came to know Bill Phillips when he joined the Sheriff’s Department and I had the privilege of being his supervisor. I saw Bill develop into a dedicated, hardworking, proactive deputy. Bill’s selfless attitude and work ethic enabled him to become a top-notch law enforcement officer.

A Sheriff should be someone who has proven leadership qualities, is respected by his subordinates, who is fair with everyone, and will enforce the law and not play politics. Whether you are Republican, Democrat, Independent, Libertarian, or whatever, who doesn’t want to live in a safe community with law enforcement that can be counted on to effectively safeguard its citizens and work to legally rid the community of the criminal element that preys on them. The only way to be successful in this is to start out with a respected, experienced, Sheriff who won’t pander to the criminal element, and has the ability to lead and get things done. I believe that the only person running for Sheriff in the upcoming election that can be a successful Sheriff for the citizens of Pima County is Bill Phillips. Find out for yourself, thoroughly vet ALL of the candidates running for Pima County Sheriff, and I think you will find that Bill Phillips is by far head and shoulders above all the rest of them.
Respectfully submitted,

Roland Youngling

Bill Phillips Will Make An Exceptional Sheriff for ALL of Pima County!

My name is Andy Smallhouse, and my wife Stefanie and I own and operate the Carlink Ranch in North
Eastern Pima County- farming and raising beef cattle for 140 years. Up until about 5 years ago, we had
virtually no county support from law enforcement in this very rural area of the county, even though we
see heavy recreational traffic coming into our area from Tucson and other outlying areas. I first met Bill
Phillips when he was Pima County lieutenant sheriff and came out to the ranch to touch base regarding
the multiple trespass and safety issues we were experiencing on the ranch. He took the time to bring
several officers out to our place, at least a 4 hour round-trip drive from his duty station, to introduce
them to my family and our place. He was very concerned as to our safety, historical lack of range patrol
presence, and general total lack of attention from county services. After Bill’s recent retirement, the
response to our issues has slowed way down again. We still call Bill when we need advice or help
regarding law enforcement issues because of his experience and interest in rural residents. He still tries
to help, even though he isn’t getting paid – that is someone who cares about doing what is right and not
just what he gets paid to do.  I know Bill to be a straight shooter, loyal to his word and his work. He is the
type of guy you meet who shows his strong character from the outset. That builds trust, and what could
be more important for an officer of law and order responsible for interacting with the public on a daily
basis, while managing an entire department.  We feel strongly that Bill is the right person for this job
and offer our wholehearted endorsement – and that’s not something we take lightly! We have no
doubt Bill Pillips will make an exceptional sheriff for ALL of Pima County!

Andy & Stefanie Smallhouse

Bill Will Positively Impact Our Community

Bill Phillips is one of those “quietly effective” individuals who, for the past eight years that I’ve known him, has been a strong supporter of so many different organizations in the Tucson and Southern Arizona area. For first responders- his support shines through behind the scenes, never wanting recognition for his efforts or contributions, instead wanting focus to be on the purpose of the Foundation he helps, doing what is best for all involved, and working to support the mission and/or event hes involved with succeed. This basic, genuine disposition is what made Bill an excellent PCSD Lt. for 30 years and will make him excel as the new Sheriff of Pima County. I believe Bill’s attention and focus will be on building and facilitating a healthy and supportive work environment for the department as a team which ultimately will positively impact our community.

Gabrielle Rhind Founder, Kents Heart & Hope Foundation

Gabrielle Rhind Founder, Kents Heart & Hope Foundation

One Of The Finest Men I Have Ever Known

I have known Sheriff William “Bill” Phillips for 30 years. He is one of the finest men I have ever known. I run a business in town, La Mariposa, and he has been a member of my Health Club all that time. We first met because we both served in the Marine Corps at different times. Bill is honest, trustworthy and dedicated. As a Sheriff’s Deputy, he has served our community with relentless integrity. He has on many occasions, mentored young people on good and bad decision making, including my boys.

We, along with our wives, have become good friends. I have been to many events with Bill and he is nothing but a gentleman.

One of the most notable traits is his love for animals. At many crime scenes, there would be a dog that has been abandoned or abused. The dog was probably heading to the pound if nobody claimed it. Well, Bill, being the dog lover, would take that dog home and care for it as his own. I would visit his property and there would be some new pup running around with his other dogs.

As I mentioned before, I served in the Marine Corps and was a Combat F-18 Pilot. I am also a retired American Airlines Captain.

Bill Phillips has the drive and integrity to run the Pima County Sheriff’s Department. I highly recommend him for this position and ask that you vote for him.

Thank you,
Steven Brennan
LtCol USMC, Retired
Owner La Mariposa

Steven Brennan, LtCol. USMC, Retired

Bill Has A Heart of Gold

I first met Bill when I was asked to get involved with a rescue situation in my area involving a bunch of horses and mules. I was very impressed immediately how Bill showed such compassion for the animals that were in desperate need of food and vet care. Without hesitation he made sure both were provided, along with a group effort from myself and a few others.
From that point on we built a friendship, we both share a strong compassion for wanting change for animals and their owners that find themselves in hard times, for the owners that are unsure what to do. We have been able to offer support and solutions to the problem , and also provide care and food when needed through resources we both have.
Bill ended up putting me in contact with Donna Deconcini and the SAAFB (southern arizona animal food bank) organization, Donna was in need of someone that could distribute pet food and supplies in my rural area. I gladly accepted this task as the director for the Robles Jct. / 3 pts area for SAAFB. This has been very rewarding being able to help my local community members and pets and I am forever grateful to Bill for sending Donna my way as I’m sure many of my fellow community members are.
After spending time with Bill and his wife Phyllis, I can see that they both share the same compassion for animals that I do , but it does not stop there with either of them.
Bill Phillips has a heart of gold and genuinely wants change in our communities and schools! Bill holds true to his convictions, and on multiple occasions I have personally witnessed him show the same compassion for people that he has shown for the animals.
Bill will be a great asset to Pima county as a sheriff .

Jessie Sager
Director SAAFB for Robles Jct. / 3 pts

Jessie Sagar

The Kind Of Man I Would Want As Pima County Sheriff

Bill Phillips has been my next door neighbor for more than two decades and we have become dear friends. We share many common interests, such as our Military Service, our love of hunting, our love of the desert and this old Pueblo called Tucson. Bill is the epitome of a Police Officer, Professional and Respectful as they come. If you call Bill for help, he will respond immediately in person or with sound advice as to how you should best deal with the problem you have. Bill Phillips is certainly the kind of man I would want as Pima County Sheriff.

Let me give a little back ground on me, Bill Phillips neighbor. My name is Chuck Rice. I have lived here since 1981. Before I lived in San Diego, California. I spent over 12 years in the Navy Flying Fighters. In the summer of 1967, I was flying F-8’s off the USS Oriskany in the Gulf of Tonkin. In late October, I was shot down over Hanoi. I spent a little over 5 years as a POW and was released on March 14, 1973. I stayed in the Navy until September of 1977, flying F-4’s and F-14’s. From there I went to Continental Airlines and flew with them for 26 years, retiring in October 2003.

The POWs in Vietnam cross section of American Society, but we had one thing in common and that was our oath, to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic. That is what held us together and guided our actions. Bill Phillips is a Marine and took the same oath we did and from our conversations he still holds that oath as his guiding principle. That is why I am proud to endorse Bill Phillips for Pima County Sheriff.

Chuck Rice, Commander, U.S. Navy, Retired

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Mailing Address:
P.O.Box 16351
Tucson, AZ  85732


Paid For By Bill Phillips For Pima County Sheriff.
Authorized By Bill Phillips For Pima County Sheriff