Your donation, regardless of the amount, will allow my vision and plans for the Pima County Sheriff’s Department to become a reality.  My plans address the needed growth and adaptation of the department.  My vision is to insure the needs and safety of all residents and communities within Pima County are met.

I thank you for  your donation and support.

Bill Phillips

Follow our campaign on my Facebook Page.  It’s where you can learn of my detailed plan to make Pima County safer.  You can also see my scheduled events and view our monthly newsletter.


Hope to see you soon

If donating by check, please include your full name, address, phone, email, occupation and employer with your payment.  

Campaign law requires us to collect your personal information, including your employment information if working.

How You Can Get Involved

I'd Like To Volunteer By

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Mailing Address:
P.O.Box 16351
Tucson, AZ  85732


Paid For By Bill Phillips For Pima County Sheriff.
Authorized By Bill Phillips For Pima County Sheriff